You Are Under The New Covenant Described in Hebrews. This is The Main Clause of the New Covenant:
"I will forgive their iniquity, I will remember their sin no more.” Jer 31:34b
Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses. Acts 13:38-39 NIV
Freedom IN CHRIST for the New and Long Time Believer- Easy steps that will allow God to do a great work in you. Freedom from sin, condemnation, fear, worry, stress, guilt, shame, depression, addictions, self destruction and legalism.
If you are a follower of Jesus (place your trust in Jesus HERE if you have not yet) you are already in the spirit. Now you need to learn to walk in the spirit. In 2 Cor 5:16 Paul said: From now on, therefore, we regard (I know, remember) no one (no one, none, nothing) according to the flesh. By walking in the spirit you will be worshiping God in spirit and truth as Jesus has called us to do. To fully walk in the spirit you must look away from all that distracts and focus on how much God loves you, God's grace, Christ’s FINISHED work on the cross and your identity IN CHRIST. The Bible is clear that when you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior you have eternal life (pass from death to life) immediately. However, when we come to Christ we come with much baggage from our past. The Bible tells us to renew our minds through the word of God, and you need to take time to read your Bible. This page focuses on some of the key aspects that the Bible teaches us to live a victorious life. This teaching is perfect for the new believer and the person who has been a Christian for multiple years and finds themselves struggling.
The condition for success in the program on this page is that you must want more than anything the freedom Jesus died to give you right now in this life. You need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired and commit fully to this program. With a laser focus you must be willing to listen and watch the recommended videos and audios on a continuous basis during this program and quote the truth verses on this page over and over. If you do this, the truth will absolutely set you free. You will be rooted and grounded in God's love and established on the firm foundation of Jesus righteousness that you were freely given when you accepted Him. Fruits of the Spirit (peace, patience, joy, virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection and love) will begin to freely manifest in your life. You will be able to be of great use to God and your family and friends once you are soundly established. This is your time, your moment to begin to live in the Freedom Jesus wants you to live and walk in.
God Loves You
We have all read it and had someone tell us that God loves us. We have repeated it to others. The problem is many of us do not really believe it, or we believe it is conditional. If you believe that God only loves you when you do right and that he is upset with you when you do wrong, you have drifted into legalism (thinking your salvation is about you instead of Jesus), and unwittingly you have rearmed the enemy, thus opening the door for a false sense of condemnation--false because it is not God who is condemning you as some would have you believe (John 3:18 and Romans 8:1). It is Satan deceiving you, but as long as you believe his lie as the truth, it is very hard to believe God loves you. This false sense of God's condemnation will result in guilt, fear, shame, depression, anxiety, or a host of other problems including physical. Once you correct this foundational belief, many incorrect things that stem from it will simply change in your life.
Consider that Jesus compared our relationship with God to a marriage. This is the most intimate relationship a person can have. Do you honestly think that God is saying love in a marriage should be based on performance? Or do you think God loves us unconditionally as he asks us to do in our marriage and with others? This is all about an intimate relationship with God the perfect marriage partner and not about religion. Another image that is used is the intimacy of the father and son relationship. Jesus revealed God as our Father in heaven. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15. Do you think God is suggesting a father love his enemies but his children only when they are perfect? I can guarantee you he is not and we know this from our own experience with our children. We may not always like what they do but any reasonable parent will always love them and will not cast them aside because of their errors. Your Father in heaven is the perfect parent and He loves you dearly and this is clearly seen in the fact that He gave up the son (Jesus) he dearly loved for you.
Jesus himself tells us that God the Father loves us as much as He loves Jesus "I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me." John 17:23
Go Here for Verses about God's love for YOU.
No Condemnation - He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Cor 5:21
The Bible tells us that sins power to condemn us came from the law: The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. (1 Corinthians 15:56)
The Bible also says Jesus disarmed our enemy: "When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." (Colossians 2:13-15)
It also tells us clearly that we are not under the law where sin has dominion over us: "For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." (Romans 6:14)
There is no condemnation for us: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.(Romans 8:1-2) Jesus paid for our sins fully.
The Enemy Comes to Kill, Steal and Destroy
Our problem starts when we ignore or doubt God's unconditional love for us and begin to focus on ourselves and our actions instead of Jesus' perfect obedience. This leads us to incorrectly behave and live as though we are back under the law. One of the worst consequences of our incorrect belief is that in effect, it rearms Satan (if we believe we are under law and condemnation as we were before Jesus, Satan takes advantage of this). Even though this is an error on our part and has not affected our salvation, the enemy uses our incorrect belief to get us to doubt God's Word and to point out every place we fall short. Using the law that we are no longer under (Romans 6:14), he accuses and condemns us and we accept it as though we were still under the law. This steals our joy, peace, and effectiveness in God's Kingdom. Believing the initial lie that God does not love us and is angry with us because of our sins, creates a subset of additional false beliefs that takes root from this one lie. We experience condemnation and then increase the problem through self-condemnation. This naturally leads to guilt which leads to fear, worry, depression, anxiety, and so on. These can then lead poor health or acting out and addictions in an attempt to change the way we feel. In an attempt to correct these problems we often end up at the doctor’s office and then the pharmacy with a prescription to experience temporary relief at best. Now don't get me wrong, your doctor’s advice is very important and we are not suggesting that you jettison his guidance. What we are suggesting is that you correct the problem at its foundation by taking in the truth with a fresh unbiased look at what the Bible says about how much God loves you, God's grace, Christ’s FINISHED work on the cross and your identity IN CHRIST.
"For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." Rom 6:14 Justified by Grace Through Faith Alone
Remember the power of sin is the law 1 Cor 15:56. The law was what gave sin dominion/power over you. If you believe that satan is disarmed (Col 2:13-15) as the Bible clearly states, you will realize sin no longer has any dominion/power over you. This does not mean you will never sin again. It means that the condemnation sin brought using the law is now of no effect. If you are in Christ you are free. The only problem is you may not believe it and therefore are living as though you are still under the condemnation of the law when in truth you are not. What you really need to do is to take God at his word and live in the freedom Jesus came to give you.
It is vitally important that you realize that the Bible only teaches one way to be righteous before God, it is by faith. Nowhere in the Old or New Testament does the Bible even offer the possibility of being righteous by our own efforts/works. This must be understood if you are to correctly understand the Bible. If it is not some verses, especially in the Old Testament may seem to be saying it is about our works. But once you have it established firmly in your heart that the Bible only teaches righteousness by faith, you will not be mislead. Once you know without a doubt that your salvation is all about Jesus and that your right standing with God is from God (...their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD Isiah 54:17), you will not be double minded thinking one moment you are saved and the next you are not. Read more HERE about the only type of righteousness taught in the Bible. Seek First His Righteousness
God's Grace Transforms Your Life Into a Godly Life - Trying to keep the law in the flesh does not. Here again the Bible tells clearly that it is not the law that teaches us to turn from sin, it is God's grace: For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11-12 NIV
Some Clues That You Might be Living Under the Law and the Condemnation it Brings, Instead of Gods Grace and Jesus Finished Work on the Cross.
1. Feelings of condemnation, fear, worry, guilt and anger
2. Self condemnation
3. Judgmental of others, believing God is judging America as a whole or judging and punishing segments of America or the world that you see as more ungodly.
4. Thoughts that God allowed something to go wrong in your life or did not answer your prayer because of a sin or because you think you have not done enough. In other words focusing on your actions instead of Jesus finished work.
5. Depression or anxiety
6. Addictions or acting out - In effect punishing yourself because you are still trying to carry the guilt and shame Jesus took for you on the cross.
7. A belief that you do not deserve to be blessed by God because of your actions or in-actions, past or present
8. Comparing yourself to other believers with the thought that you are somehow not good enough, even doubting your salvation. When the truth is, it is not about you, it is all about Jesus.
9. Obsessed with self, sin conscious instead of forgiveness conscious
10. A feeling of being burned out
11. Having a core belief that you do not deserve to succeed in anything (relationships, job, business, etc.) Feeling guilty if you do, and seeking to punish ourselves, eventually ruining it.
Why Believers Add the Law to God's Grace
People who add the law to God's grace often do it unwittingly due to two main reasons. It is interesting to note that each one of these reasons is in itself a sin under the law. So in essence, trying to keep the law keeps one under the law and in sin. 1) Pride: They want some credit for their own salvation. 2) Fear: They have a lingering sense of uncertainty of their salvation. This leads them to try and add to Jesus finished work on the cross just in case it was not enough. Just in case those who are preaching you are still under the law are correct. For me it was a combination of both that kept me under the law. It seemed scary to let go of the law. Wouldn't I simply go off the deep end and sin like crazy?
Please take a moment and consider if you are living under a combination of grace and law? Do you have any fear that if you do not keep the law God will punish you? Do you think you can lose your salvation if you sin?
I want to reiterate that I am not in the least advocating sin. I am against sin. What I am saying is that the Bible teaches that it is not the law that will transform you and set you free. It is a deep realization of God's love and grace for you that will change you from the inside out. Sin will lose its luster when you fall deeply in love with your redeemer. Your Father wants you to first know how much he loves you and that you are totally forgiven. Once you do you will love him like never before. Your obedience will be a natural fruit of your relationship. You will just want to please your Father and he will be able to use you in many more things to advance the Kingdom of God.
The Purpose of the Law. Reveal our sin - Romans 7:7, Shut our mouth, stop us from comparing ourselves to others and justifying ourselves - Rom 3:19, Lead us to Christ so we can be saved - Gal 3:24.
Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise. Gal 3:23 - 29
But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane....... 1 Tim 1:8-9a (You are righteous in Christ if Jesus is your Lord and Savior. You are no longer under the law.)
The law can reveal our sin like a mirror can reveal our flaws. But we would never think of using the mirror to correct our flaws.
Who Really Respects the Law as Holy, Just and Good?
1) The person who says you must keep the law to be saved. If you look closely you will discover that those who will tell you that you must keep God's law in addition to trusting in Jesus, always diminish God's law to a level they can keep. If they do fail, they can always find someone who has done worse to justify themselves. We saw this in the Pharisee's who considered themselves better than the next guy because of their outward appearance of law keeping. When Jesus came, he lifted God's standard back up to where it should be. He pointed out lust is adultery and hate is murder to God. The Bible also tells us that anything that is not of faith is a sin Rom 14:23 and that the law is not of faith Gal 3:12. Keeping the law according to God is much more than outward appearances. To keep the law you would need to keep it in thought, word and deed.
2) The person who sees the law in its full perfection and strength, admits it is holy, just, good and therefore impossible for them to keep.
This person does not try and diminish God's law to a level they can keep. They simply fall on their knees and cry out for God's mercy and grace.
I think it is obvious that the second person who does not diminish God's law for their own benefit is showing more honor and respect for God's perfect standard. Jesus even told a parable about this here.
know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.Gal 2:16
Unfortunately for some who preach you must keep the law, they will not see that it is all about God's grace until they have failed in a major way and have no other option but to cry out for God's mercy and grace.
Bible Study
Christians Are Not Under the Law
Letter Kills, Spirit Gives Life
Real Freedom In Christ is Already Yours if Your Faith is in Jesus
Thirty Day Transformation Challenge
We challenge you to commit the next 30 days to intensely study these items. If you will renew your mind with this scriptural truth, you will begin to see a transformation that happens from the inside out. Instead of treating the symptoms (condemnation, outward sin, fear, worry, addiction, depression, guilt and shame), this program lets God transform your heart and mind. The foundational truth of God's unconditional love and grace for you, the truth of the New Covenant and who God says you are in Christ will transform your heart and the symptoms of your false belief will disappear. The love you feel from God will allow you to love God more than ever before and to love others as God loves you (Mark 12:28-33). God's love and the fruits of the Spirit will overflow from you onto all you come in contact with. You will stand in the light of God's truth and love as you finally believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the most important thing is settled. It is not about you, it's all about Jesus, and it is finished. God loves you unconditionally and you have peace with God; everything else pales in comparison.
I have been walking with Jesus many years and read the Bible almost every day. I have also shared the Gospel with thousands of people and am actively involved in seeking and saving the lost. I thought I knew God loved me, that I was forgiven and saved by grace through faith alone. I would have told you so, but things were not right. I prayed, and God indicated I had a fundamental problem--I did not fully believe that God loved me apart from my performance. Reading scripture with this flawed belief in mind led me to believe my relationship with the Father was about earning His love to avoid His displeasure, potential rejection and even His wrath. I had fell for the enemies lies in my thoughts, making God's love conditional and my salvation contingent on my performance as the enemy often suggested. In response to my prayer, God led me to study His love and grace for me in the Bible and I was also led to read The Power of Right Believing. I also followed the other suggestions we have on this page, and God is transforming my life. Depression has lifted that I have greatly struggled with for over 25 years (even harder when you are a believer), worry and fear faded away, peace has taken over and my mind is quiet (no more condemning thoughts, no more self-condemnation). I now love God and my neighbor more than ever, and I miss the mark (sin) far less without even trying. I also have a renewed interest in God's word and in prayer. I have a hope that I thought I would never experience again, and I firmly believe that as I renew my mind to really believe the truth of God's love for me, the fruits of the Spirit will flow naturally from me as God flows through me. If you are suffering from any of the things we have listed on this page, I encourage you to set aside everything else and let God change your life. I highly recommend that you read The Power of Right Believing and follow the simple program on this page. In a nutshell, I would say it is all about Letting Go and Letting God. No matter what your circumstances, you can live in the freedom Jesus came to give you.
To your Freedom in Christ! Michael Edwards, Owner of FaithWriters
If you are a follower of Jesus (place your trust in Jesus HERE if you have not yet) you are already in the spirit. Now you need to learn to walk in the spirit. In 2 Cor 5:16 Paul said: From now on, therefore, we regard (I know, remember) no one (no one, none, nothing) according to the flesh. By walking in the spirit you will be worshiping God in spirit and truth as Jesus has called us to do. To fully walk in the spirit you must look away from all that distracts and focus on how much God loves you, God's grace, Christ’s FINISHED work on the cross and your identity IN CHRIST. The Bible is clear that when you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior you have eternal life (pass from death to life) immediately. However, when we come to Christ we come with much baggage from our past. The Bible tells us to renew our minds through the word of God, and you need to take time to read your Bible. This page focuses on some of the key aspects that the Bible teaches us to live a victorious life. This teaching is perfect for the new believer and the person who has been a Christian for multiple years and finds themselves struggling.
The condition for success in the program on this page is that you must want more than anything the freedom Jesus died to give you right now in this life. You need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired and commit fully to this program. With a laser focus you must be willing to listen and watch the recommended videos and audios on a continuous basis during this program and quote the truth verses on this page over and over. If you do this, the truth will absolutely set you free. You will be rooted and grounded in God's love and established on the firm foundation of Jesus righteousness that you were freely given when you accepted Him. Fruits of the Spirit (peace, patience, joy, virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection and love) will begin to freely manifest in your life. You will be able to be of great use to God and your family and friends once you are soundly established. This is your time, your moment to begin to live in the Freedom Jesus wants you to live and walk in.
God Loves You
We have all read it and had someone tell us that God loves us. We have repeated it to others. The problem is many of us do not really believe it, or we believe it is conditional. If you believe that God only loves you when you do right and that he is upset with you when you do wrong, you have drifted into legalism (thinking your salvation is about you instead of Jesus), and unwittingly you have rearmed the enemy, thus opening the door for a false sense of condemnation--false because it is not God who is condemning you as some would have you believe (John 3:18 and Romans 8:1). It is Satan deceiving you, but as long as you believe his lie as the truth, it is very hard to believe God loves you. This false sense of God's condemnation will result in guilt, fear, shame, depression, anxiety, or a host of other problems including physical. Once you correct this foundational belief, many incorrect things that stem from it will simply change in your life.
Consider that Jesus compared our relationship with God to a marriage. This is the most intimate relationship a person can have. Do you honestly think that God is saying love in a marriage should be based on performance? Or do you think God loves us unconditionally as he asks us to do in our marriage and with others? This is all about an intimate relationship with God the perfect marriage partner and not about religion. Another image that is used is the intimacy of the father and son relationship. Jesus revealed God as our Father in heaven. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15. Do you think God is suggesting a father love his enemies but his children only when they are perfect? I can guarantee you he is not and we know this from our own experience with our children. We may not always like what they do but any reasonable parent will always love them and will not cast them aside because of their errors. Your Father in heaven is the perfect parent and He loves you dearly and this is clearly seen in the fact that He gave up the son (Jesus) he dearly loved for you.
Jesus himself tells us that God the Father loves us as much as He loves Jesus "I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me." John 17:23
Go Here for Verses about God's love for YOU.
No Condemnation - He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Cor 5:21
The Bible tells us that sins power to condemn us came from the law: The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. (1 Corinthians 15:56)
The Bible also says Jesus disarmed our enemy: "When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." (Colossians 2:13-15)
It also tells us clearly that we are not under the law where sin has dominion over us: "For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." (Romans 6:14)
There is no condemnation for us: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.(Romans 8:1-2) Jesus paid for our sins fully.
The Enemy Comes to Kill, Steal and Destroy
Our problem starts when we ignore or doubt God's unconditional love for us and begin to focus on ourselves and our actions instead of Jesus' perfect obedience. This leads us to incorrectly behave and live as though we are back under the law. One of the worst consequences of our incorrect belief is that in effect, it rearms Satan (if we believe we are under law and condemnation as we were before Jesus, Satan takes advantage of this). Even though this is an error on our part and has not affected our salvation, the enemy uses our incorrect belief to get us to doubt God's Word and to point out every place we fall short. Using the law that we are no longer under (Romans 6:14), he accuses and condemns us and we accept it as though we were still under the law. This steals our joy, peace, and effectiveness in God's Kingdom. Believing the initial lie that God does not love us and is angry with us because of our sins, creates a subset of additional false beliefs that takes root from this one lie. We experience condemnation and then increase the problem through self-condemnation. This naturally leads to guilt which leads to fear, worry, depression, anxiety, and so on. These can then lead poor health or acting out and addictions in an attempt to change the way we feel. In an attempt to correct these problems we often end up at the doctor’s office and then the pharmacy with a prescription to experience temporary relief at best. Now don't get me wrong, your doctor’s advice is very important and we are not suggesting that you jettison his guidance. What we are suggesting is that you correct the problem at its foundation by taking in the truth with a fresh unbiased look at what the Bible says about how much God loves you, God's grace, Christ’s FINISHED work on the cross and your identity IN CHRIST.
"For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." Rom 6:14 Justified by Grace Through Faith Alone
Remember the power of sin is the law 1 Cor 15:56. The law was what gave sin dominion/power over you. If you believe that satan is disarmed (Col 2:13-15) as the Bible clearly states, you will realize sin no longer has any dominion/power over you. This does not mean you will never sin again. It means that the condemnation sin brought using the law is now of no effect. If you are in Christ you are free. The only problem is you may not believe it and therefore are living as though you are still under the condemnation of the law when in truth you are not. What you really need to do is to take God at his word and live in the freedom Jesus came to give you.
It is vitally important that you realize that the Bible only teaches one way to be righteous before God, it is by faith. Nowhere in the Old or New Testament does the Bible even offer the possibility of being righteous by our own efforts/works. This must be understood if you are to correctly understand the Bible. If it is not some verses, especially in the Old Testament may seem to be saying it is about our works. But once you have it established firmly in your heart that the Bible only teaches righteousness by faith, you will not be mislead. Once you know without a doubt that your salvation is all about Jesus and that your right standing with God is from God (...their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD Isiah 54:17), you will not be double minded thinking one moment you are saved and the next you are not. Read more HERE about the only type of righteousness taught in the Bible. Seek First His Righteousness
God's Grace Transforms Your Life Into a Godly Life - Trying to keep the law in the flesh does not. Here again the Bible tells clearly that it is not the law that teaches us to turn from sin, it is God's grace: For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11-12 NIV
Some Clues That You Might be Living Under the Law and the Condemnation it Brings, Instead of Gods Grace and Jesus Finished Work on the Cross.
1. Feelings of condemnation, fear, worry, guilt and anger
2. Self condemnation
3. Judgmental of others, believing God is judging America as a whole or judging and punishing segments of America or the world that you see as more ungodly.
4. Thoughts that God allowed something to go wrong in your life or did not answer your prayer because of a sin or because you think you have not done enough. In other words focusing on your actions instead of Jesus finished work.
5. Depression or anxiety
6. Addictions or acting out - In effect punishing yourself because you are still trying to carry the guilt and shame Jesus took for you on the cross.
7. A belief that you do not deserve to be blessed by God because of your actions or in-actions, past or present
8. Comparing yourself to other believers with the thought that you are somehow not good enough, even doubting your salvation. When the truth is, it is not about you, it is all about Jesus.
9. Obsessed with self, sin conscious instead of forgiveness conscious
10. A feeling of being burned out
11. Having a core belief that you do not deserve to succeed in anything (relationships, job, business, etc.) Feeling guilty if you do, and seeking to punish ourselves, eventually ruining it.
Why Believers Add the Law to God's Grace
People who add the law to God's grace often do it unwittingly due to two main reasons. It is interesting to note that each one of these reasons is in itself a sin under the law. So in essence, trying to keep the law keeps one under the law and in sin. 1) Pride: They want some credit for their own salvation. 2) Fear: They have a lingering sense of uncertainty of their salvation. This leads them to try and add to Jesus finished work on the cross just in case it was not enough. Just in case those who are preaching you are still under the law are correct. For me it was a combination of both that kept me under the law. It seemed scary to let go of the law. Wouldn't I simply go off the deep end and sin like crazy?
Please take a moment and consider if you are living under a combination of grace and law? Do you have any fear that if you do not keep the law God will punish you? Do you think you can lose your salvation if you sin?
I want to reiterate that I am not in the least advocating sin. I am against sin. What I am saying is that the Bible teaches that it is not the law that will transform you and set you free. It is a deep realization of God's love and grace for you that will change you from the inside out. Sin will lose its luster when you fall deeply in love with your redeemer. Your Father wants you to first know how much he loves you and that you are totally forgiven. Once you do you will love him like never before. Your obedience will be a natural fruit of your relationship. You will just want to please your Father and he will be able to use you in many more things to advance the Kingdom of God.
The Purpose of the Law. Reveal our sin - Romans 7:7, Shut our mouth, stop us from comparing ourselves to others and justifying ourselves - Rom 3:19, Lead us to Christ so we can be saved - Gal 3:24.
Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise. Gal 3:23 - 29
But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane....... 1 Tim 1:8-9a (You are righteous in Christ if Jesus is your Lord and Savior. You are no longer under the law.)
The law can reveal our sin like a mirror can reveal our flaws. But we would never think of using the mirror to correct our flaws.
Who Really Respects the Law as Holy, Just and Good?
1) The person who says you must keep the law to be saved. If you look closely you will discover that those who will tell you that you must keep God's law in addition to trusting in Jesus, always diminish God's law to a level they can keep. If they do fail, they can always find someone who has done worse to justify themselves. We saw this in the Pharisee's who considered themselves better than the next guy because of their outward appearance of law keeping. When Jesus came, he lifted God's standard back up to where it should be. He pointed out lust is adultery and hate is murder to God. The Bible also tells us that anything that is not of faith is a sin Rom 14:23 and that the law is not of faith Gal 3:12. Keeping the law according to God is much more than outward appearances. To keep the law you would need to keep it in thought, word and deed.
2) The person who sees the law in its full perfection and strength, admits it is holy, just, good and therefore impossible for them to keep.
This person does not try and diminish God's law to a level they can keep. They simply fall on their knees and cry out for God's mercy and grace.
I think it is obvious that the second person who does not diminish God's law for their own benefit is showing more honor and respect for God's perfect standard. Jesus even told a parable about this here.
know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.Gal 2:16
Unfortunately for some who preach you must keep the law, they will not see that it is all about God's grace until they have failed in a major way and have no other option but to cry out for God's mercy and grace.
Bible Study
Christians Are Not Under the Law
Letter Kills, Spirit Gives Life
Real Freedom In Christ is Already Yours if Your Faith is in Jesus
Thirty Day Transformation Challenge
We challenge you to commit the next 30 days to intensely study these items. If you will renew your mind with this scriptural truth, you will begin to see a transformation that happens from the inside out. Instead of treating the symptoms (condemnation, outward sin, fear, worry, addiction, depression, guilt and shame), this program lets God transform your heart and mind. The foundational truth of God's unconditional love and grace for you, the truth of the New Covenant and who God says you are in Christ will transform your heart and the symptoms of your false belief will disappear. The love you feel from God will allow you to love God more than ever before and to love others as God loves you (Mark 12:28-33). God's love and the fruits of the Spirit will overflow from you onto all you come in contact with. You will stand in the light of God's truth and love as you finally believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the most important thing is settled. It is not about you, it's all about Jesus, and it is finished. God loves you unconditionally and you have peace with God; everything else pales in comparison.
I have been walking with Jesus many years and read the Bible almost every day. I have also shared the Gospel with thousands of people and am actively involved in seeking and saving the lost. I thought I knew God loved me, that I was forgiven and saved by grace through faith alone. I would have told you so, but things were not right. I prayed, and God indicated I had a fundamental problem--I did not fully believe that God loved me apart from my performance. Reading scripture with this flawed belief in mind led me to believe my relationship with the Father was about earning His love to avoid His displeasure, potential rejection and even His wrath. I had fell for the enemies lies in my thoughts, making God's love conditional and my salvation contingent on my performance as the enemy often suggested. In response to my prayer, God led me to study His love and grace for me in the Bible and I was also led to read The Power of Right Believing. I also followed the other suggestions we have on this page, and God is transforming my life. Depression has lifted that I have greatly struggled with for over 25 years (even harder when you are a believer), worry and fear faded away, peace has taken over and my mind is quiet (no more condemning thoughts, no more self-condemnation). I now love God and my neighbor more than ever, and I miss the mark (sin) far less without even trying. I also have a renewed interest in God's word and in prayer. I have a hope that I thought I would never experience again, and I firmly believe that as I renew my mind to really believe the truth of God's love for me, the fruits of the Spirit will flow naturally from me as God flows through me. If you are suffering from any of the things we have listed on this page, I encourage you to set aside everything else and let God change your life. I highly recommend that you read The Power of Right Believing and follow the simple program on this page. In a nutshell, I would say it is all about Letting Go and Letting God. No matter what your circumstances, you can live in the freedom Jesus came to give you.
To your Freedom in Christ! Michael Edwards, Owner of FaithWriters