Choose this day whom you will serve.............. Joshua 24:15
.....I lay before you Life and Death, Choose Life...... Deuteronomy 30:19 Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 2 Cor 5:19
"Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through
Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Acts 13:38
"Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through
Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Acts 13:38
He Layed Down His Life For You![]() Jesus- He Is Your Choice.
What Will You Do With Him? Full information about Jesus in up to 150 languages is available in links further down on this page. |
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Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through me." John 14:6 (NKJV)
Do you believe Him? You must make a choice.
Choice - An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. There are many choices and many roads on the subject called religion. But Jesus Christ of Nazareth is far greater than any religion out there. Relationship with Christ equals life! Religion on the other hand equals death. So in all actuality you only have one of two choices you can make. Believe on Jesus Christ and reap life or believe in any other religious entity or do nothing and reap death.
Before you decide you need to know that God loves you more than you can imagine. But there is a problem that is separating you from Him now and for eternity, if you do nothing. Most people, even those who do not believe God exists rationalize that in the unlikely event that God does exist, I am a good enough person anyway. I will be fine no matter what. The problem is that to come to their conclusion they are good enough, they look at the wrong standard. They look at other people. This page is designed to correctly diagnose your condition before a loving but also just God as described in the Bible. Once we see ourselves in the light of God's truth, His message, the gospel makes perfect sense.
In this section you will also be starting your investigation into the actual evidence. The Bible says there are two things that prove God beyond all doubt. Creation and our conscience. We see how amazing creation is all around us every day. The following simple test addresses your conscience. Our conscience tells us what we ought and ought not do. It points out God's standard, God's essential requirements of His law. Where there is a law there must be a law giver. To see your moral condition as God sees it, you must be willing to honestly answer the following questions.
No one but you and God will know your answers.
Wake-up Call
Can I ask you a question? If you died tonight and God asked you why he should let you into heaven, what would you say?
Most people say something like this - "Because I am a good person, I help people, I try to be honest, I have not broken man's laws or been in jail, I go to church, I help my neighbor, I give to charity, etc." They point to their works in this life. They might also add in word or thought - "Besides there are a lot of people worse than me." The conclusion they are good enough for God comes from comparing themselves to other people. This may be a conscious obvious thought or it may be a subconscious thought. The point is (to judge whether you are good or not) you need a standard to compare yourself too. Most people know they are not the best or the worst so they figure they are somewhere in the middle. There is a problem with this logic and the problem is that the Bible does not say God's standard is other people. Therefore to think you are good enough before God is incorrect. The best way to come to the correct conclusion is to use the correct standard. The Bible says that standard is perfection, God's own nature. Watch the video to the right and place yourself in the red shirt or click the blue box and take the test yourself. If you answer the questions honestly you will clearly see your true condition before a Holy and perfect God. This step is vitally important and if done sincerely it will open your eyes. |
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You Must Make a Choice
If you have taken the Good Person Test, answered honestly and listened to your conscience, you now realize your moral condition before a Holy and Just God. According to the Bible, Gods just nature requires that all sin be punished.
He cannot ignore our sin and sweep it under the rug.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This is bad news for us as we are all sinners, but the Bible also holds some Very Good News.
Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 10:13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:9,10 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one
confesses and is saved.
You must make a choice. Doing nothing is the same as saying "no".
He cannot ignore our sin and sweep it under the rug.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This is bad news for us as we are all sinners, but the Bible also holds some Very Good News.
Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 10:13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:9,10 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one
confesses and is saved.
You must make a choice. Doing nothing is the same as saying "no".
Three Options to Choose From
Option One (1)

Maybe you have already decided that you want and need Gods forgiveness like we did. You recognize that you have not and cannot keep Gods perfect standard. You are ready to humbly fall before God, repent (turn to Jesus and take hold of the solution to your sin problem, turn from your sins and your vain attempts at self righteousness) and ask for His forgiveness and mercy. This site is filled with evidence to support the truth of the Bible and Jesus. We hope you will take the time to review it but just like you do not need to know the chemical makeup of a life saving medicine, to accept the salvation God is offering you in Christ, you only need to humbly follow the Apostle Paul's instructions in Romans 10:9-11.
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” Apostle Paul, Rom.10:9-11
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” Apostle Paul, Rom.10:9-11
Here is a simple prayer. The words are not as important as your heart attitude. Do you really want to repent and trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Oh God, I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sins. I am willing to turn from my sin. I receive Jesus as my Savior. I receive Him as Lord. From this moment on I want to follow Him in the fellowship of the church. In Christ's name. Amen |
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Welcome to the family of God.
This is not the end but the beginning. Now that you have been justified, declared righteous before God by your faith in Jesus, your exciting journey has just begun. You have crossed over from death to life. Now to grow in your new faith and experience all that God wants you to have, you must read the Bible and take time for God, renewing your mind. Get involved with some other true believers. Review our site and utilize the free tools NEW BELIEVERS RESOURCES to learn more about your new faith. Based on the THE EVIDENCE there is no belief more reasonable. Learning the facts will show you how little faith you really need to believe and give you great faith at the same time.
This is not the end but the beginning. Now that you have been justified, declared righteous before God by your faith in Jesus, your exciting journey has just begun. You have crossed over from death to life. Now to grow in your new faith and experience all that God wants you to have, you must read the Bible and take time for God, renewing your mind. Get involved with some other true believers. Review our site and utilize the free tools NEW BELIEVERS RESOURCES to learn more about your new faith. Based on the THE EVIDENCE there is no belief more reasonable. Learning the facts will show you how little faith you really need to believe and give you great faith at the same time.
Honestly ask yourself - If it could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that God exists and Jesus is who he claimed to be, would I place my trust in Jesus?
If your answer is "Yes" then we firmly believe that an examination of the factual evidence will provide you what you need to make a reasonable decision. First scroll down this page to Step 1 and learn why this decision is so important.
If your answer is "NO". The issue is not if it is true or not. The issue lies somewhere in your desire for it not to be true. This is called denial and I personally lived there myself for many years. The problem is that denial of the truth does not change the truth. In the end the truth will remain and all denial will be useless.
We urge you to set aside your prejudice and honestly examine the evidence. We believe you can find all you need to make a reasonable decision on this website and its links. Ask yourself why would I still refuse to believe if it was proven true beyond a reasonable doubt? What is stopping me? This decision directly affects your eternity not ours. You can decide whatever you like. However you can also decide to take an honest look at the facts and we hope you will.
It is perfectly fine with God to investigate Gods existence and the claims of Christianity. We encourage you to do so as the author of these pages has done. Christianity has always been based on actual historical events that we can investigate. The evidence indicates beyond a reasonable doubt that God does exist, therefore miracles are possible. Compared side by side there is no belief that even comes remotely close to offering more solid evidence. The Bible is true and Jesus is God in the flesh. But we are not asking you to blindly believe us. Please examine the facts yourself and make a reasonable decision. Faith does not make Christianity true. It is true so we place our faith in it.
1) First please read and watch the video under Wake Up call on this page above, if you have not already done so, and learn your diagnosis before a Holy, Just and Loving God. This knowledge will encourage you to investigate the evidence for Gods existence and the claims of Christianity.
2) Review the facts for Gods existence. If you come to the decision that the atheist must be mistaken, you can move on to those that claim to have found the truth about God.
3) Compare the evidence for the different beliefs about God. Sticking to the reality of how truth works makes this much easier. For example an atheist's belief and a Christians belief cannot be both true. This is because God cannot exist and not exist at the same time. Truth never contradicts itself. Using the knowledge of how truth works helps us greatly when we examine the different beliefs about God. They do contradict themselves greatly. This tells us an important fact, they could all be wrong but they cannot all be true.
4) The only thing we ask of you is that you do it now. You are here at this point for a reason. God has been trying to get your attention and now He has got you here. Please do not ignore Gods call to you at this moment in time. His desire is to save you. You have a decision to make and time is running out. The only thing we are guaranteed of is death and none of us know when it will happen. We care about your eternal destiny.
Lets dig into the evidence by going HERE.
The following three links are available in English and multiple languages for our viewers from around the world. Jesus welcomes everyone and so do all of the followers of Christ that make up FaithWriters.
Here is an excellent link that offers the gospel message in over 150 languages. Plus much in depth information about Jesus. Just click on the photo.
Maybe you have specific questions about God, the Bible and Jesus. Over 300,000 different questions are answered on this site. It is also available in over 140 languages.
If you need a simple printable gospel message in over 90 languages you can go to this link. Click on the photo below.
Jesus- He Is Your Choice. What Will You Do With Him?
Option Three (3)
Reject Christ by ignoring your inner knowledge (the same knowledge that brought you to this site) without honestly considering the evidence that God must exist and you are a sinner in need of forgiveness. Reject the evidence of creation and your conscience that the Bible says will leave all without excuse when they stand before God. This is an option that God has given you with your free will.
Just understand that while denial can make us feel better for the moment, in the end the truth will remain and all denial will be swept away. The truth is not going away nor is it going to change if we believe something different. Are you really okay with this fact?
This is the most important decision you will ever make. This has nothing to do with being better than the other guy or a bunch of rules you must adhere too so you can be right with God. The Bible is not saying you will be lost if you do not listen it is saying you are lost right now. God is not saying you must do this or I will send you to hell, God is saying you have been deceived, you are headed to hell and I want to save you.
This decision not only affects you but it affects your family and your children if you are a parent. We urge you to set aside pride and beliefs held without evidence and take an honest look. You are here for a reason. Please do not ignore the fact that something has gotten you this far. If you need evidence browse our site, examine the facts and make a reasonable decision. We beg you to sincerely pursue the truth with all of your heart, while remembering that truth's main purpose is not to make us feel better or agree with us. Truth is simply what it is, truth corresponds to reality. Truth can kill you if it is ignored.
This is between you and God. If it makes you feel more comfortable, just keep it private for now but seek the truth. Ask God to tell you if Jesus is really the truth. Tell God you honestly want to know. If you are sincere and honestly seeking, we know that over the next couple of weeks you will be given clear signs that Jesus is exactly who He claimed to be, God in the flesh. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Is it really my Choice? Click Here
Option Three (3)
Reject Christ by ignoring your inner knowledge (the same knowledge that brought you to this site) without honestly considering the evidence that God must exist and you are a sinner in need of forgiveness. Reject the evidence of creation and your conscience that the Bible says will leave all without excuse when they stand before God. This is an option that God has given you with your free will.
Just understand that while denial can make us feel better for the moment, in the end the truth will remain and all denial will be swept away. The truth is not going away nor is it going to change if we believe something different. Are you really okay with this fact?
This is the most important decision you will ever make. This has nothing to do with being better than the other guy or a bunch of rules you must adhere too so you can be right with God. The Bible is not saying you will be lost if you do not listen it is saying you are lost right now. God is not saying you must do this or I will send you to hell, God is saying you have been deceived, you are headed to hell and I want to save you.
This decision not only affects you but it affects your family and your children if you are a parent. We urge you to set aside pride and beliefs held without evidence and take an honest look. You are here for a reason. Please do not ignore the fact that something has gotten you this far. If you need evidence browse our site, examine the facts and make a reasonable decision. We beg you to sincerely pursue the truth with all of your heart, while remembering that truth's main purpose is not to make us feel better or agree with us. Truth is simply what it is, truth corresponds to reality. Truth can kill you if it is ignored.
This is between you and God. If it makes you feel more comfortable, just keep it private for now but seek the truth. Ask God to tell you if Jesus is really the truth. Tell God you honestly want to know. If you are sincere and honestly seeking, we know that over the next couple of weeks you will be given clear signs that Jesus is exactly who He claimed to be, God in the flesh. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Is it really my Choice? Click Here