More Evidence-Apologetics
Jesus said, "The time is coming when everything covered up will be revealed and all that is secret will be made known to all," Luke 12:2. We are living in that time. Things in the darkness are being brought to the light. We are also seeing God (for the sake and love He has for His creation) reveal to us through His servants in these latter days factual evidence of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior! How can anyone discount factual evidence yet His word declares men's hearts will continue to reject God.
If you are a follower of Jesus I encourage you to learn as much as you can about the evidence for your faith. And if you are a non-believer I encourage you to read 'If not now, when?' Christianity is based on actual events that took place. The Apostle Paul said that if the resurrection did not happen then our faith is in vain. The Apostles had eyewitness proof that backed up Jesus claims.
Today over 2,000 years later we cannot view the resurrection but there is a lot and I mean a lot of evidence. Evidence that tells us how reasonable your faith in the Bible and Jesus really are. If you make an effort to learn the facts you will find that you can virtually eliminate your doubts. You will also realize just how little faith you need to believe while at the same time gaining great faith.
Today over 2,000 years later we cannot view the resurrection but there is a lot and I mean a lot of evidence. Evidence that tells us how reasonable your faith in the Bible and Jesus really are. If you make an effort to learn the facts you will find that you can virtually eliminate your doubts. You will also realize just how little faith you need to believe while at the same time gaining great faith.
I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist
An excellent resource is the book "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist". Many atheists will tell you they don't need any faith. But the truth is they need a lot more faith than I have to believe everything happened by accident luck and chance. This book breaks things down starting with Truth. It then goes over the evidence for God's existence and why Christianity is the most reasonable belief a person can hold.
Click the logo on the left to find one of the best resources on the internet
to help Christians grow and learn in order to defend their faith in a sound manner. Apologetics 315 is filled with podcasts and other great information from some of today's biggest defenders of Christianity. I highly recommend this site. Click on the Thinker Photo for access.
to help Christians grow and learn in order to defend their faith in a sound manner. Apologetics 315 is filled with podcasts and other great information from some of today's biggest defenders of Christianity. I highly recommend this site. Click on the Thinker Photo for access.
High School and College Students meet Frank
Reasonable Faith is an Excellent Site
This link is for real thinkers. William Lane Craig is one of the foremost defenders
of the Christian faith. He is genuine, humble and super smart. He loves Christ
and knows it is true. He does high profile debates with atheists. William speaks at universities around the world and much more. He has a great site with a lot of information, podcasts, etc.. I highly recommend it but it is advanced and may be too much for some.
of the Christian faith. He is genuine, humble and super smart. He loves Christ
and knows it is true. He does high profile debates with atheists. William speaks at universities around the world and much more. He has a great site with a lot of information, podcasts, etc.. I highly recommend it but it is advanced and may be too much for some.